I never thought I would become an author.

Growing up, I believed the false story that writing was a hobby; it wasn’t a job. But I’ve always liked a challenge.

After a “publishing experience gone bad” for my first novel, I decided to learn everything I could about the publishing industry. And along the way, I decided to share my knowledge with authors, in hopes that they too could go into this world with eyes wide open and pick the right publication path for them.

What started out as a simple writing coach side hustle quickly scaled to a multiple six-figure business with over 500 first-time authors landing agents, nabbing six-figure book deals, and reaching #1 bestseller status.

What I’ve learned in the publishing industry—from eight traditionally published novels with the “Big 5,” to four traditionally published nonfiction books that (somewhat) crashed and burned—is what it takes to be a successful author, how the publishing landscape continues to change, and how vital it is for authors to understand all the moving parts if they want to birth their own books into the world.

Now, as a book doula, I offer my guidance so that authors can stand on their own two feet. Whether you want to write a book, sell a book, or need some specific guidance, you’ve come to the right place.